Architectural Metalwork

Architectural Metalwork

Metalwork can be made in a variety of architectural styles and can range from functional elements to decorative features.

Our fabricators use advanced computer-aided design (CAD) software to create models of the structures, which are then converted into detailed manufacturing instructions.

Examples of architectural metalwork include:

helical stairway, simple modern semicircle staircase, view from the top down

Steel Staircases

architectural metalwork in washington D.C. guardrails

Guard Railings

Hands of metalworker grinding copper in forge workshop - functional metalwork

Functional Metalwork

Metalworking CNC milling machine - aesthetic metalwork is a part of architectural metalwork in Washington D.C.

Aesthetic Metalwork

Whether you’re looking to add a modern touch to your building or want to create a timeless, classic look, ColdFire steel can manipulate metal to suit your specific needs and style.

Check Out Our Works

We work closely with clients to gain an understanding of your desires both aesthetic and functional.